Melanoma Monday, May 6th
Please join Miller Family Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology in painting the nation orange for skin cancer awareness on Monday, May 6 – Melanoma Monday®.
It is currently estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Numbers like that make a world without skin cancer seem to be an impossible goal. But it is in our reach. Skin cancer is highly treatable when caught early. The five-year survival rate for people whose melanoma is detected and treated before it spreads to the lymph nodes is 98 percent. Yet, sadly, one American dies from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, almost every hour.
Miller Family Dermatology will be offering free skin cancer screening examinations between 4 and 7 PM on Monday, May 6th in honor of Melanoma Monday®
Interested patients or organizations can call us at 425-654-1275 for more information. You do not need insurance or an appointment, just spots to look at.
You can follow our Facebook event page as well!
Help us spread the word and encourage others to prevent and detect skin cancer.
How you can participate in SPOT Orange on Melanoma Monday® (Monday, May 6):
- Wear orange and encourage others to join you.
- Share a picture of you and your family, friends or co-workers wearing orange for skin on Facebook, Twitter (#SPOTorange) or upload a photo to www.SpotSkinCancer.org/SPOTOrange for a chance to be featured on the American Academy of Dermatology’s website, social media, or other materials.
If you’d like to promote SPOT Orange on Melanoma Monday® to your family, friends and coworkers, visit www.SpotSkinCancer.org/SPOTOrange for resources. The site also offers a downloadable body mole map for tracking changes in your skin, a search tool to find free skin cancer screenings in your area and SPOT products.
The Miller Family Dermatology Team hopes you will help put a spotlight on skin cancer.
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