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Roughly 9500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer each day in the U.S. When you’re concerned about a potential skin cancer, you shouldn’t have to wait a month or more to see a specialist. That's why we offer urgent dermatology appointments near Seattle to accommodate patients in need of prompt care.  Unexpected Skin Conditions Skin problems can surface unexpectedly, causing discomfort and concern. From severe rashes and allergic reactions to sudden outbreaks of acne or eczema, these issues can significantly impact daily life. Our urgent appointments provide swift relief for patients experiencing sudden skin ailments. Timely Diagnosis and Treatment Early detection and treatment are...

A 2017 study done by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery showed that 117,436 people received photofacial laser treatments. Since then, these procedures have only grown in popularity. When looking at BBL vs IPL near Issaquah, BBL is the clear winner. Read on as we break down why! Similarities of BBL vs IPL Near Issaquah Before we talk about differences, let’s talk about similarities! Both BBL and IPL use non-invasive light waves to treat your skin. Both can be used on any part of your skin that needs treatment. And - bonus! There is no downtime for either treatment. Now let’s...

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